This is a typical mid week post for me. Its not that my stars have finally shown mercy on me and I am completely free free free (kiske saath, well, i would love to be free with a packet of chips :p)
just imagine, if you could purchase your friends time for free in a complimentary offer in supermarkets - like you get your friend for free (his/her time, i mean) along with a packet of eatables in the grocery shop.
lame thought, i know. but, expected outta me. aye.
So, without further digressing from the topic, no, I am not free. with anything. sigh.
in fact, I am busy. like really busy. or may be i am just TRYING to be busy. you know, when you know that the people around you dont really have time for you, then, what do you do?
sit down and sulk?
you try to engage yourself in something constructive or laze around. i chose the former one.
in fact, in this quest to try and act busy, i've realised i dont have time to laze around. man, i actually have got that kind of workload on my shoulders. (whoaa, i can alomst feel my shoulders drooping, teehee)
This is my final year in the college. The frenzy that surrounds me in the campus, that rush to complete the notes, filling up forms for entrance tests and trying to meet the deadlines for assignments. i often wonder, am i the only one with such a laid back approach while all my classmates are in this mad rush running after deadlines, preparing for post grad entrance tests?
It may sound absurd but i have this sinking feeling that maybe i am really missing out on something big by not giving the dreaded CAT in november. While most of my peers are gearing up for it.
Its like MBA is the only career option available after i graduate apart from MA. which i so detest. hmm
Its getting experimental for me. Somebody really dear to me had told me once that learn to take risks. And at a particular point of time, do just what your heart says.
Well, i have been doing just that. I know that CAT is not the end of the world. And all hell will not let loose on me if i miss out on the frequent paardying, bitch sessions, my 8.40 am classes (damn, m never on time for them) and several other things which my friends stress i should be doing. after all this is my last year na.
screw it man.
I will do what my heart says. give entrances for courses, I know I can be good at. not CAT. sleep all that i want. and work all that i want.
I know there is competition for me. and the only person i like to compete with is myself. I seriously, have never felt the need to compete with, to prove to any other person, that i am better than them. ( no, m not anti-social, its just that i believe, its only i who can challenge myself to strive for better). And in a way, its good. It prevents me from treating my dear ol pals as competition.
I am not complaining here. I am not even criticising the way things are shaping up in my life right now. In fact, i am simply loving it.
This is me.....thinking, comtemplating, questioning, working, lazing around and enjoying my life...the way it is.
In Iqbal Hussain
12 hours ago
hey..guess what? Just finished reading all your posts...You do what all great writers do, making literature out of personal tragedies and experiences..keep the good work up!!
speaking my way...
loved it...
the way you penned this blog was simply awesum...
reminds me of your firs blog..
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